Are one early muscle ph and one early temperature measurement sufficient to detect pse breast meat in turkeys?
Kinetic degradation of total phenolic content, DPPH radical scavenging and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities in Yanang (Tiliacora triandra) leaf extract during preparation process | Degradasi kinetik kandungan jumlah fenolik, aktiviti pemerangkapan radikal DPPH dan xantin oksidase dalam ekstrak daun yanang (Tiliacora triandra) semasa proses penyediaan
Utilization of Egg Albumen: Application and Optimization of Gelatin and Carrageenan for Pudding Production via Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
Partially substitution of wheat flour by coconut residues in bakery products and their physical and sensorial properties
Effect of extraction conditions on physical and antioxidant properties of Yanang (Tiliacora triandra) leaf extract