rendezvous restaurant swansea

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  • rendezvous restaurant swanseaThe programme will seek to provide applicable and commercially relevant insight – and British Glass wants to hear from potential presenters who have successfully implemented energy and carbon reduction projects in large-scale manufacturing (in any relevant sector) by securing funds from: The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy sponsored award is one of the most competitive categories in the Trade Association Forum’s annual awards. It recognises a successful initiative, by a trade association, to tackle an important issue that will drive the future prosperity and growth of its members. Managing Director Martin Nettleton says: “Last month, we saw a record number of interactions from our website as a result of our advertising and PR, with enquiries coming directly from the contact form online, via email and via calls into our customer service department. Martin Nettleton adds: “We invested in the campaign to target those larger installation and distribution companies increasingly dissatisfied with the big fabricators who are starting to compete with them by setting up their own networks of trade counters and distribution outlets.