volvo car germany gmbh

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  • volvo car germany gmbhFabricated and installed by Dortech Architectural Systems Ltd, Senior’s patented PURe® aluminium folding sliding doors feature as part of a stunning extension to Ms Stephen’s home. Offering slim sightlines that maximise views of the property’s pretty garden, the narrow yet robust aluminium frames of the PURe® doors have been powder-coated to provide an attractive brown finish that further complements and connects with the outdoor space. Commenting on the recent renovations, Ms Stephens said: “I am absolutely delighted with the work that has been carried out and Dortech’s customer service and professional installation has been second to none. British Glass is organising a one-day seminar on funding for decarbonisation and energy efficiency work on Thursday 2 November (north of England, venue TBC) – which will be attended by British Glass members’ and non-members. Ideally suited for a wide range of applications, the PURe® aluminium windows are available as tilt and turn or casement windows. Senior’s innovative door range also features a choice of the PURe® FOLD and PURe® SLIDE options. Euroglaze trade customers are seeing returns on the company’s ongoing marketing investment, with leads generated now being distributed directly to them.